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Grasi - France Latvia friendship in french solidarities with a water-commando Aquassistance turns water ferruginous water tasty!"
"Solidarité Lettonie France"
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Claude Michel and Cyril volunteers of the association Aquassistance offered their professional expertise for the children’s village Grasi during two weeks full for mineral water pumped 140m underground is the best.

Article published on 16 October 2012
dernière modification le 21 January 2013

by Jeanlv, BD
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October 2012, Claude Michel and Cyril, volunteers of the association Aquassistance put their professional expertise to the village children Grasi, near Cesvaine in Latvia.

28 to 70 years, they volunteer enthusiastic and professional qualities. A command’eau a team eau’pérationnelle, adjusting pipes, adjusting the levers, tanks, climbing trees, to bring to nine the filtering system of water service for local users.

France Latvia friendship in french solidarities

Expert masonry, electrical, plumbing and piping, Claude, Michel and Cyril, mastering various trades, fignolent currently operates the station filter for it to be operational before returning to France on Sunday.

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they had to be creative and overcoming many technical problems mainly related to difficulties in finding appropriate materials.

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AQUASSISTANCE is a humanitarian association founded in 1994, which brings together volunteers and staff volunteers SUEZ ENVIRONMENT. It provides assistance to populations in distress in the fields of water, environment and waste, by providing these people, the skills of its members and material resources. The association is designed to act in all cases where the intervention of experts from the water sector and the environment is justified, whether development, emergency or post-crisis reconstruction .

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The ferruginous water is a variety of mineral water rich in Fe2 +. It has long been attributed to the merit of these waters to prevent (or cure) alcoholism because they bring the iron usually comes from regular consumption of alcohol has the effect of increasing the iron content in the blood. The result was the disappearance of the addiction.
In a memorable sketch, Bourvil also describes the effects in many ways ... (in french see end of article)

A water source is called a ferruginous pouhon, as for example Spa.
Carbonate of the protoxide of iron or sulphate of iron it contains gives the ferruginous water-flavor. At Spa, spa guests in the nineteenth century took anise, caraway, coriander or orange peels to better stand the taste of water. (wikipedia)

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